Thursday, February 19, 2015

I'm Not Sure it's Possible


Unknown said...

My name is Jessie and I used to have the blog ldsovertherainbow. I hadn't even looked at it since I left the Church in 2010, but I went back to look at it today and I saw you commented on my blog several years ago. I feel bad I never went back to my blog after my last entry in 2010.

Life is wonderful and hard since I left the Church. Every day I am thankful that I left and that I did not enter a MoM. I look forward to reading your blog.

emmiewg said...

Hey Kelly,

I stumbled upon your blog recently bc I just came out to my husband of almost 12 years. We have 3 kids. I wanted to see if there was a way I could contact you to hear more about your story and journey. My husband wants to stay together, but that scares me. Let me know and thank you!

Kelly slash FindingMyWay said...

Thanks ladies! I wish you both the best.

I'm not great at emailing, but here you go, E:

findingmyway6 at gmail dot com